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Conservation Meeting Minutes 11/18/04
Conservation Commission
November 18, 2004

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Janet Dunlap, Stephen Cremer and Hank Langstroth were the members present.

7:45 p.m., N.O.I. Hearing Continuance filed by Massapoag Realty Trust for the proposed development of a single-family home with grading at #2 Michael Lane - Lot #32. DEP File # SE-280-402:

Ted Trowbridge, from Hutchins & Trowbridge, appeared before the Commission.
Attorney Robert S. Mangiaratti and the Applicant were also present.
Ted Trowbridge reviewed revised plan dated 11/18/04 with the Commission:
The proposed new garage is inside the 100' Buffer Zone.
The hay bale line has been moved outside of the 50' No Build Zone and establishes the
 limit of clearing.
The 125' setback for the proposed septic system marked on the revised plan
has been approved by the Board of Health.
The Commission requested that the Applicant submit a new design plan keeping the proposed garage outside of the 100' Buffer Zone.
Attorney Robert S. Mangianatti stated that he would submit an alternative plan to the Commission subsequent to discussing zoning issues regarding the proposed project with the Building Inspector, Joe Kent.
Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing until a date is determined by the Applicant.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

7:55 p.m., Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the November 4, 2004 Meeting Minutes as amended.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:00 p.m., N.O.I. Hearing Continuance filed by Charles and Nick Mirrione of Mirrione Realty Trust, for the proposed construction of a residential subdivision roadway and associated appurtenances and stormwater management at 155-157 North Main Street, "Hunter's Ridge Estates" DEP File # SE-280-455.
Scott Faria, Engineer from Gallagher Engineering, appeared before the Commission to represent the Applicant. Abutters were present in the audience. (See attached list.)
Scott reviewed revised plan dated 11/1/04 with the Commission.
Scott stated that the ground water mounding study and hydro-geologic study are still pending.
Greg stated that a review of the proposed drainage calculations in relation to the Commission's storm
water standards and the DEP storm water management regulations should be addressed by the consultant
group performing the peer review for the proposed project.
The Commission agreed that the Homeowner's Association should be required to submit an inspection report regarding the routine maintenance of the storm water facilities for the proposed project.
Scott stated that an easement within the roadway and the detention basins for emergency repairs could be established with the Town.
Peg requested the abutters to prepare a list of their concerns to the Commission to be addressed by the peer review study.
Wayne Godlin, 49 Lantern Lane- asked the Commission to explain their position regarding the proposed plan and to define the scope of the ground water mounding study.
Peg explained that the Commission's concerns relate to the ground water impact to the detention basins and the two common septic areas from the proposed project. Peg stated that the results from the hydro-geologic study would determine if there would be any potential ground water mounding issues caused by the proposed septic systems.

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The study results would also determine the amount of water flowing into the detention basins and the amount of infiltration through the septic systems as well as the impact to the on site wetlands and to the adjacent properties.
Scott stated that approximately two-thirds of the proposed septic system is located outside of the100' Buffer Zone; however, the lower corner of the septic system is slightly within the 100' Buffer Zone.
Stephen Cremer expressed his concern pertaining to the preservation of the sloped section of the property that is adjacent to the proposed reserve leaching area.
Peg stated that it would be necessary for the Board of Health and the consultant group performing the hydro-geologic study to review the reserve leaching area. (As to the correct size and location for the reserve leaching area.)
Wayne Godlin was also concerned with the possibility of the isolated wetlands being negatively impacted by the proposed tree removal between the hay bale line and proposed roadway.
Scott explained that the size of the detention basins and outlet structures are determined by using drainage calculations designed by the soil conservation services drainage program. The rate of run-off should be the same after construction as it was before construction.
Ina Knornetsky, 57 Lantern Lane - expressed concern regarding the proposed tree removal adversely
impacting her property. (Overland flooding issue.)
Wayne Bradley, 153 N. Main Street - also expressed concern regarding overland flooding to the back
portion of his property from the proposed project.
Wayne Godlin was also concerned pertaining to the potential flooding to his property by the
proposed tree removal as well as the intermittent stream that is present on his property in the Spring.
He is especially concerned if the capacity of the culvert in the eastern portion of the proposed site is adequate. (All of the groundwater would percolate up and potentially exacerbate the mounding of the wetlands.)
Peg stated that issue is to be addressed by the groundwater mounding study and the peer review study.
Greg suggested that an interceptor trench be installed to prevent overland flooding issues to adjacent properties.
Scott proposed to submit a revised plan that would include the installation of an interceptor trench along the back section of the proposed lots.
The Commission requested that Scott prepare a list of concerns to be submitted for the peer review study.
The Commission explained the Conservation Subdivision Design requirement for the proposed
project for the abutters present in the audience.
Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing until December 16, 2004 at 7:45 p.m.
Janet Dunlap moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:20 p.m. Other Business:

Alice Cheyer met informally to present a letter to the Commission along with a revised report from the Professional Services Corporation, regarding the new plan for the proposed Glendale Village 40B.
The revised project proposes four 5-unit buildings and two 4-unit buildings on a 1,100 foot long dead-end driveway. (28 Townhouse dwellings.)
Alice requested that the members review the information and submit their comments pertaining to the original plan and the new proposed plan to the ZBA.

9:45 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.